目的 改良现有的MD -30 0恒化器 ,以适合口腔细菌复杂的生态研究。方法 在恒化器培养罐内安装一平台 ,上面放置的羟磷灰石或材料等可固定、移动或复位 ,调节恒化器的重要参数并作初步应用。结果 改良M -30 0恒化器模拟人类口腔环境的条件为 :培养基 2 .5g/L猪胃粘蛋白的TSB ,工作容量 12 0 0ml,稀释率 5 0ml/h ,搅拌速度 5 0次 /分 ,温度 37± 0 .1℃ ,pH7.0± 0 .1,气体 80 %N2 、10 %CO2 、10 %H2 。在羟磷灰石圆片表面能方便地形成人工菌斑生物膜 ,能比较不同义齿基托材料表面的细菌粘附。结论 模拟口腔环境的改良MD -30
Objective The aim of this study was to modify an existent MD-300 chemostat suitable for complicated oral bacteria ecologic study. Methods The brooder of MD-300 Chemostat was modified, in which incorporated removable and replaceable hydroxyapatice (HA) disks, and the chemostat's key parameters were regulated for primaly application. Results Chemostat conditions of anologous oral enviroment were that the medium was TSB broth with 2.5 g/L porcine gastric mucin, the volume was 1200 ml, the medium flow rate adjusted to 50 ml/h, culture pH was maintained at 7.0± 0.1, temperature was 37±0.1 ℃ and air was N 2, CO 2, H 2 (80∶10∶10). Artificial plaque biofilms could conventional develop on HA dishes and bacteria adhesion to the surface of different resin denture material could be detected in the modified MD-300 chemostat. Conclusion Artificial dental plaque biofilm and oral bacteria ecologic relationship could be studied by the modified MD-300 chemostat of anologous oral environment.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
国家自然科学基金 (30 0 70 81 3)