
碳足迹概念、特征、内容框架与标准规范 被引量:8

The Carbon Footprint of the Concept,Characteristic,Content Framework and Standard
摘要 碳足迹作为温室气体排放测度指标,其重要性愈显突出,引起了诸多学者与组织机构关注。通过归纳分析学者与组织机构相关研究,明晰碳足迹定义。以生命周期评价为切入点,将其特征归纳为目的性、完整性、一致性、透明性、准确性和可操作性。根据学者与组织机构的研究将其内容框架梳理为11点,并与生命周期评价4个阶段形成对应关系。将出台的碳足迹标准规范归纳为地域、企业和产品3大类,并对各类标准规范的主要内容进行比较分析。最后,对后续研究重点进行了展望。 As an importance of more prominent indicator of greenhouse gas(GHGs) emissions measurement ,carbon foot‐print is caused concern by many scholars and organizations .T he paper clarify carbon footprint definition by analyzing the its definition of scholars and organizations .And features are summarized as the purpose ,integrity ,consistency ,transparen‐cy ,accuracy and operability ,which is in life cycle assessment as the starting point .Next the research of scholars and organi‐zations be the content framework of combs for 11 points ,which form correspondence with life cycle assessment of four sta‐ges .Then standard specification for the inductive introduction of region ,enterprises and products are three major categories of carbon footprint ,analyzed comparatively in accordance with the classification of standards from the angle of the main content .After that this article prospects the research emphasis .
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期20-25,共6页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13BGL108 14BJL106) 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2011GL016) 山东能源经济协同创新中心重大项目(2014SDXT001)
关键词 温室气体 碳足迹 生命周期评价 产品 服务 LIFE CYCLE Assessment (LCA) GHGs Carbon Footprint Products and Services
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