Many post-80 s and post-90 s employees grew up in the era background of two-tier vicissitude in Chinese economic structure and family structure.Big data baptism and multi cultural integration have profoundly shaped the temperament and value pursuit of the new-generation employees what are different from their predecessors.Considering the special ages of value formation and urgency of enterprise innovation and transitional development,the research on the work value needs of the new-generation employees and the exploration of internal impetus mechanism which actuate and motivate them to carry out the work creatively have great theoretical value and practical significance.According to self-determination theory which was initially proposed by Deci and Ryan,social context factors(eg,compensation incentives)influence the consequences of individual behavior(eg,creativity)generally by satisfying individual work value needs what can affect the motivations of individual behavior.All these entirely constitute dynamic mechanism of employees' work.A large amount of researches on the relation of intrinsic motivation and perceived work value have proven that satisfaction with employees' work value needs by organizational supply was the internal transmission mechanism and effective path which could activate intrinsic motivation and promote creativity.Thus,the researchers should examine whether the reward system for employees by organization(eg,compensation incentives) satisfied or fitted employees' work value needs.However,there appears to be no consensus on whether reward can effectively drive employees' work behaviors and improve employees' creativity in the workplace.Romanticism represented by Deci,based on self-determination theory,considered human life as a pursuit of self-actualization.And they argued that reward,which were perceived as controlling,could undermine individual perceptions of self-determination,generate "hidden costs of dominate incentives",and lead to an elimination or deviation in internal achievement motivation and creativity.In contrast,utilitarianism represented by Eisenberger,based on learned industriousness theory,revealed that reward for positive effort involving one or more work tasks promote the subsequent effort exerted in new tasks.And their studies have showed that reward effectively increases perceived self-determination of dealing with the anfractuous situation,enhances intrinsic motivation,and improves employees' creativity.This paper systematic studied working dynamic mechanism of local new-generation employees,and whether existing incentive system matches employees' work value needs.The result shows that local employees' work is driven by extrinsic motivation generally;and the result of cross sample comparison shows that local employees' intrinsic motivation is much weaker than the American employees'.Kruskal-Wallis test shows that intrinsic motivation has trended down with the increase of age and generation,and it of new-generation employees is strongest.Wilcoxon test shows that organizational incentive system is obviously falling behind work value needs of new-generation employees.It means that dislocated incentives trigger the deviation of intrinsic motivation.Further polynomial regression and response surface analysis shows that when the incentive system matches individual intrinsic motivation,creativity will be enhanced significantly;otherwise,it will be inhibited.This paper reveals that the deviation in intrinsic motivation,caused by dislocated incentives,have to pay for the lack of Chinese creativity to some extent.Chinese enterprises should change their inertial business thought the strong will be strong forever,and innovate performance evaluation and compensation incentives system.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
new-generation employees
intrinsic motivation
perceived work value
perceived reward value
dislocated incentives