
公平启发式中的公平判断主效应研究 被引量:1

The Research on Primacy Effects in Justice Judgments of Fairness Heuristic Theory
摘要 公平公正是人们社会生活的主旋律,也是组织行为领域的经典话题。本文旨在运用公平启发式理论,探讨公平判断中是否存在明显的主效应以及这种主效应的潜在影响。对165名MBA学生采用2×2×2的实验设计进行研究。结果表明,个体的公平判断主效应明显,当程序信息先于结果信息呈现时,程序信息对个体的公平判断和满意度影响最为明显,反之,个体的公平判断和满意度主要受结果信息的影响;在程序不公平情形下,个体的公平判断和满意度更多受有利结果的影响,而当结果不利时,个体的公平判断和满意度更多受程序公平的影响。 Fairness heuristic theory is the latest development of social justice theories,which was put forward by Lind in 1992.This theory is mainly about the formation and use of justice judgments.The theory is that people when facing the basic social dilemma when they use different types of information related to the fair,and quickly make a fair judgment,the judgment after forming,will inspire people and guiding role on people' s behavior.In fair heuristic theory,some core principles was validated by experiment,however,still exist some such as fairness is how to play a role,people will change after fair heuristic,fair treatment way will affect people' s social status and other issues need to study.Fairness heuristic theory assumes that because ceding authority to another person provides an opportunity with exploitation,people feel frequently uncertain about their relationship with the authority.Therefore,the theory argues that people may ask themselves whether the authority can be trusted and will treat them in a fair way.It is further argued that most people made this approach to resolute this uncertainty.So,the moment when people enter a situation,they start searching for information on which they can build fairness judgments.Furthermore,it is argued that once people have established fairness judgments,perceived fairness will serve as a heuristic for guiding their subsequent attitudes and behavior.Therefore,fairness heuristic theory suggests,fairness judgments are more strongly influenced by information that is available in an earlier stage of interaction with the authority than by information that becomes available at a later moment in time.Moreover,fairness heuristic theory believe that in many situations,information about the procedure is available before information about the outcome.Consequently,fairness heuristic theory proposes that people form their fairness judgments on the basis of the fairness of the procedure and then later incorporate outcome information into their fairness judgments.This explains why so many studies have found that information about procedures affects people' s fairness judgments more strongly than information about outcomes.However,there are some things that people sometime earn about outcomes before they are informed about procedures in everyday life.In this case,whether the primacy effects of fairness information exist or not?Fairness and justice is the main theme of people' s social life,classic topic is the field of organizational behavior,this paper aims at the application of equity theory,to explore the potential impact of the existence of main effect as well as the effect of justice judgment.In this paper,we used 165 MBA students as sample and tested predictions from fairness heuristic theory that justice judgments are more sensitive to early fairness- relevant information than to later fairness- relevant information.This experiment used at 2(order of information appear:procedure information before outcome information vs.outcome information before procedure information) ×2(procedure fairness;fair vs.unfair) ×2(outcome information:favorable vs.unfavorable) on fairness judgments and satisfaction by between subject design.The findings of the experiments show that the influence of procedural fairness on fairness judgments and satisfaction is more important when people are informed about the procedure information first than when they are informed about the procedure information,second,and the influence of outcome information on fairness judgments and satisfaction is more important when people know about the outcome information earlier than when they know about the outcome information later.That is to say,what people judge to be fair is more strongly affected by information that is available earlier than by information that available at a later time.Moreover,when outcome information is unfavorable,the influence of fair procedure on people' s fairness judgments and satisfaction is more strong than that' s of unfair procedure.Thus,we conclude there are Primacy Effects in Justice Judgments.
作者 何静
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期152-159,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 公平启发式 公平判断 主效应 fairness heuristic fairness judgment primacy effects
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