
职场排斥对知识型员工工作行为的影响:一个中介-调节的模型 被引量:5

The Impact of Work Ostracism on Knowledge Workers' Work Behavior:A Mediating and Moderating Model
摘要 通过实证研究了职场排斥、组织支持感和自我效能感对我国知识型员工角色内、外行为的影响机理。结论表明:职场排斥对员工角色内和角色外行为都具有直接负向的显著影响;组织支持感在职场排斥与员工角色内行为和角色外行为间关系起到部分中介作用;自我效能感调节在职场排斥与员工角色内行为和角色外行为间关系起到调节作用。 The article empirically examined the relationships between knowledge workers' workplace ostracism (WO), perceived organizational support (POS), perceived self- efficacy (PSE) and work behaviors including in- role behavior (IRB) and out - role behavior (ORB). As predicted, WO is negatively related to both IRB and ORB ; POS mediates the relationship between WO and IRB & ORB; PSE moderates the relationship between WO and IRB & ORB.
作者 张冉
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期180-186,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 职场排斥 组织支持感 自我效能感 工作行为 角色内行为 角色外行为 workplace ostracism perceived organizational support perceived self- efficacy work behavior in -role be-havior out - role behavior
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