
冲突化解研究诸领域及其对公共冲突化解研究的影响 被引量:3

The Fields of Conflict Resolution Research and Their Influences on Public Conflict Resolution
摘要 冲突化解研究自20世纪50年代以来成为学界和实务界关注的热点。国际冲突化解、社会冲突化解、非诉讼纠纷化解、组织冲突化解和家庭冲突化解是其中形成一定规模的研究领域。其研究成果对近年来兴起的公共冲突化解研究产生了重要的影响,主要体现在强调化解冲突的基本导向,注意利用冲突正面功能的基本态度,注重采取谈判和第三方干预的和平手段,注意通过沟通和对话消除误解,以及强调冲突化解的制度和机制建设。 Since the 1950s, the study of conflict resolution has become a hot spot of academic and practical fields. International conflict resolution, social conflict resolution, alternative dispute resolution, organizational conflict resolution and family conflict resolution are research fields with a certain scale. The research findings have an important influence on the study of public conflict resolution springing-up recently, which mainly reflect in emphasis on the fundamental orientation of resolving conflict, the attitude of paying atten- tion to the positive function of conflict, the adoption of peaceful means like negotiation and third-party intervention, the attention of using communication and dialogue to eliminate misunderstanding and the construction of systems and mechanisms of conflict resolution.
作者 常健 王玉良
机构地区 南开大学
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期41-52,共12页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
基金 国家社科规划重点项目"公共领域冲突管理体制研究"(13AGL005)
关键词 冲突化解 公共冲突化解 谈判 第三方干预 Conflict Resolution Public Conflict Resolution Negociation Third-party Intervention
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