
人口老龄化对政府债务风险影响的实证研究——基于20个发达国家动态面板数据的分析 被引量:26

Empirical Study on the Impact of Aging Population on Government Debt Risk:Based on the Dynamic Panel Data from 20 Developed Countries
摘要 近年来,许多国家政府债务快速增加,债务风险明显上升,甚至引发债务危机。对发达国家来说,人口老龄化是导致政府债务风险攀升的最重要因素之一。本文选取20个发达国家作为样本,通过动态面板模型分析人口老龄化对政府债务风险的影响。研究结果发现,人口老龄化程度越高,政府债务风险越高;银行危机明显提高政府债务风险;经济增长速度越快,政府债务风险越低。为此,建议我国政府及早采取措施防止人口老龄化带来政府债务风险上升。 In recent years, many countries are witnessing rapid increase in government debt, leading to significant increase in the debt risk and even a debt crisis. For developed countries, the aging population is one of the most important factors leading to the risk of rising government debt. The paper selected a sample of 20 countries to analyze the impact of aging population on government debt risks through dynamic panel models. The results found that the higher the degree of aging population, the higher the risk of government debt; banking crises significantly increased the risk of government debt; the higher the growth rate, the lower the risk of government debt. Therefore, the government is suggested to take early measures to address the impact of aging population and prevent the risk of government debt.
作者 马宇 王群利
出处 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期46-55,共10页 Studies of International Finance
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"美国主权债务风险的系统动力学仿真 预警及我国外汇储备优化管理研究"(12BJL050) 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目"新兴市场国家(地区)银行危机与货币危机的共生性研究"(13YJA790122)
关键词 人口老龄化 政府债务风险 银行危机 法律与秩序指数 Aging Population Government Debt Risk Banking Crisis Law and Order Index
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