
抚州烤烟烟叶质量评价及比较分析 被引量:1

Evaluation and Comparative Analysis of Leaf Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco in Fuzhou
摘要 对2013年抚州6个烤烟主产县69个烤烟样品的烟叶质量进行了分析与评价,并将各项指标与东南烟区及全国平均值进行了比对。分析表明:烟叶质量总体较好,吸湿性、韧性和填充性较好,拉力适宜,部分烟叶样品略薄,含梗率偏高。烟叶钾含量较高,淀粉含量较低,钾氯比值较高,中部烟叶化学协调性较好,感官质量整体较好,在“中等~中偏上”档次,大部分中部和上部烟叶样品香气质“中偏上”,香气量“尚足”,烟气较浓,而下部烟叶香气量和浓度略显不足。从得分比对来看,下部烟叶样品外观指标得分略低于东南烟区和全国平均值;中部烟叶成熟度、叶片结构分值与东南烟区及全国平均值相当;上部烟叶油分分值与东南烟区相当,其余指标分值略低。中下部烟叶吸湿性和韧性优于东南烟区及全国平均水平。总植物碱、中下部还原糖含量、钾含量高于东南烟区和全国平均水平,下部和上部烟叶化学成分协调性评价分值略低于东南烟区和全国均值。3个部位烟叶感官质量与东南烟区及全国平均水平相当,上部烟叶浓度分值略高。 The appearance quality, physical properties, chemical components and sensory quality of 69 flue-cured tobacco leaf samples from 6 counties of Fuzhou city in 2013 were analyzed and evaluated, and were compared with those in southeastern area and China. The results indicated that the flue-cured tobacco leaves in Fuzhou in 2013 had better hygroscopicity, toughness and filling a- bility, and suitable dragging force. But the body of some tobacco leaf samples was slightly thin, and their stem ratio was relatively high. The tobacco leaves in Fuzhou had higher potassium content, lower starch content, and higher ratio of potassium to chlorine. The middle tobacco leaves were better in the coordination of chemical components and the general sensory quality ( medium level - medium-super level). Most upper and middle flue-cured tobacco leaf samples had medium-super aroma quality, less sufficient aro- ma quantity, and relatively concentrated smoke. While the lower flue-cured tobacco leaves had little aroma quantity and insufficient smoke. The appearance quality score of lower tobacco leaf samples in Fuzhou in 2013 was slightly lower than that in both southeast- ern area and China. The scores of maturity and leaf structure of middle leaves in Fuzhou were similar to those in southeastern area and China. The upper leaves in Fuzhou obtained an equivalent score in oil content and slightly low scores in other indexes as com- pared with those in southeastern area. The middle and lower tobacco leaves in Fuzhou were better in hygroscopicity and toughness than those in southeastern area and China. The tobacco leaf samples in Fuzhou had higher total plant alkaloid content, reducing sug- ar content ( in the middle and lower parts), and potassium content than those in southeastern area and China. The scores of chemical components coordination of lower and upper tobacco leaves in Fuzhou were slightly lower than those in southeastern area and China. The sensory quality of 3 positions of tobacco leaves in Fuzhou was similar to that in southeastern area and China, and the score of consistency of upper tobacco leaves in Fuzhou was slightly higher.
出处 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2015年第5期50-55,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
基金 江西省烟草公司科技项目"抚州市烟叶质量分析评价"(201301009)
关键词 抚州 烟叶品质 化学成分 分析评价 Fuzhou Tobacco quality Chemical component Analysis and evaluation
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