
On the Development of the Culture Industry of China under the Western Popular Cultural Criticism Horizon

On the Development of the Culture Industry of China under the Western Popular Cultural Criticism Horizon
摘要 Among the schools researching the Western popular cultural theories,the most influential are the Frankfurt School and the Birm ingham School. They have disputed whether the popular culture is the disaster or the blessedness for human beings and whether the popular culture is ideological or not,exploring the economic benefit and the social benefit of the popular culture,which provides enlightenment for the developm ent of the cultural industry of China. Firstly,we shall develop the cultural industry to satisfy the growing demand of the people for cultural products; secondly,with the development of the cultural industry,we shall balance the social benefit and economic benefit; finally,the socialist core value system is the necessity for the development of the cultural industry. Among the schools researching the Western popular cultural theories, the most influential are the Frankfurt School and the Birmingham School. They have disputed whether the popular culture is the disaster or the blessedness for human beings and whether the popular culture is ideological or not, exploring the economic benefit and the social benefit of the popular culture, which provides enlightenment for the development of the cultural industry of China. Firsdy,we shall develop the cultural industry to sarisfy the growing demand of the people for cultural products;secondly, with the development of the cultural industry, we shall balance the social benefit and economic benefit;finally, the socialist core value system is the necessity for the development of the cultural industry.
作者 Zhang Wei
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期281-285,共5页 Academics
基金 the staged achievement of the project of the Education Department of Hunan Province-The Western Popular Cultural Criticism Theories and the Development of the Cultural Industry of China(12SB354)
关键词 文化产业 大众文化 西方 中国 法兰克福学派 流行文化 视野 社会效益 the Western popular culture theories cultural industry social benefit ideology
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