
微观政治学:西方学校变革研究的新视野 被引量:2

Micropolitics:A New Perspective on Study of School Change in Western Countries
摘要 学校微观政治学研究挑战了人们关于学校的传统认知,为学校变革研究开辟了一个崭新的空间。我国教育研究者对此领域关注甚少,因此本文介绍了其产生的历史背景和主要认识成果,探讨了这种新视角对我国学校变革所具有的重要意义。 The study of School micropolitics challenged traditional cognitive mode on school and created a new space for the development of school change theory. Because there is not much education research on this theme in China, the article introduces the history background and some basic ideas of school micropolitics and discusses some important meanings for us on school change and reform. Education researchers should conduct more empirical study on school micropolitics in China to further the quality of our school change.
作者 杨颖东
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期20-25,共6页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 微观政治学 西方学校微观政治学 学校变革 组织理论 micropolitics school micropolitics school change organization theory
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