
从播州杨氏辖区变迁看元明清诸王朝对西南的经营 被引量:4

On the Governance to South-western Parts in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties from the Change of the Yang Clan's Jurisdiction
摘要 历史上,播州土司地生态环境复杂多样,民族较多,要经营这一地区,就得仰仗地方势力加以开辟,故杨氏自唐乾符伊始,就积极经营这一地区,辖区从唐朝仅据有遵义、绥阳等地,到元朝统今遵义市全境、黔南州北部及凯里市西北部诸地,面积达5万平方公里。然万历年间,蒙古势力突破明朝的西南边防,直驱云南,恰在此时,播州杨氏为乱,对抗朝廷,为维护湖广经黔入滇道的畅达,朝廷在此不得不改土归流,置遵义、平越二府,分隶四川、贵州行省统辖。雍正时,遵义入黔,至此,播州杨氏辖地完全隶属贵州省了。故揭示历史时期播州土司辖地变迁过程,对于正确理解元明清诸王朝的西南经营策略大有裨益。 Historically, the ecological situation of Tusi in Bozhou was very complex and replete with many ethnic groups; therefore, the central government had to rely on local forces to rule this area, leading the Yang clan to govern this area. And this area only covered Zunyi per se and Suiyang county in Tang Dynasty; and extended to the whole Zunyi district, the north-southern part of Guizhou and north-western part of Kaili city in Yuan Dynasty with the whole coverage of 50 thousand square kilometers. However, in the reign of Wanli (1573-1620) in Ming Dynasty, when the Mongolia army invaded the south-western border, esp. the Yunnan province, the Yang Clan took the chance to revolt against the government of Ming Dynasty. In order to keep open the route fromHuguang to Yunan by way of Guizhou, the government of Ming Dynasty had to implement the policy of “Gaituguiliu”, and made Zunyi prefecture and Pingfu prefecture under the jurisdiction of Sichuan and Guizhou province. And in the reign of Yongzheng in Qing Dynasty (1723-1735) , Zunyi came under the jurisdiction of Guizhou province, then, the area where the Yang Clan once ruled was fully under the jurisdiction of Guizhou. All mentioned above are expounded in this paper, which can be helpful to the understanding of the strategies used by the governors in the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties to govern the south-western parts of China.
出处 《遵义师范学院学报》 2015年第2期7-12,共6页 Journal of Zunyi Normal University
基金 贵州省教育厅基地课题"<〈嘉庆重修一统志.贵州统部〉整理与研究>(JD2013003)"阶段性成果之一
关键词 播州土司辖地 遵义军民府 平越军民府 the jurisdiction of Tusi in Bozhou military and civilian prefecture of Zunyi military and civilian prefecture of Pingyue
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