合肥光源(Hefei Light Source,HLS)是我国第一台专用同步辐射装置,它周围的辐射场是一个有方向性的瞬发混合场,辐射剂量水平随装置的不同运行状态而变化。针对改造后的光源,在原有单点监测系统的基础上,设计开发了一套基于Java动态页面(Java Server Page,JSP)技术的网络化辐射监测数据动态发布系统。系统用于监测HLS运行期间在工作场所和环境中产生的辐射剂量水平,并采用监测点分区化管理以及分区设定报警阈值。同时,该系统整合了加速器EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)系统中的流强数据,实现了加速器运行状态与辐射监测数据的比较分析。目前该系统运行状况良好,方便了管理人员和用户对合肥光源的辐射监测数据进行实时监测和历史查询,也为加速器等其他大型核装置的辐射监测数据对公众公布提供了经验。
Background: The upgrade project of Hefei Light Source (HLS) was started in 2009. Improving radiation monitoring system is an important part of the upgrade project. Purpose: This study aims to design and implement a web-based dynamic release system for a real-time and remote multipoint radiation monitoring of HLSII. Methods: Data acquisition and storage section were implemented by using LabVIEW, moreover, the system was integrated into EPICS database with the interface designed by CA Lab. Java combining with Java Server Page (JSP) technique was adopted to complete the design and implementation of the data query system based on Brower/Server. Results: This system is easy to operate and has run stably for several months, meeting the designing requirement. Conclusion: With this system, real-time monitoring and historical data query can be more efficient and convenient for administrators and users. It also provides a good reference for other nuclear devices in the aspect of radiation monitoring data opening to the public.
Nuclear Techniques