In the transformation of the system of grassroots social administration in the Ming and Qing the divi- sion of jurisdiction among the prefectural and county and police officials has been a phenomenon that has captured much attention. This has been especially true for Guangdong which provides the most represent- ative example. Beginning in the mid Ming, the police bureau held direct jurisdiction over the country- side, in the early Qing jailers and postal relay assistants began to have jurisdiction, by the 5th year of Yongzheng reign the assistant county magistrate had jurisdiction, registrars and other junior officials also were assigned to villages one by one. Ultimately, in the 2nd year of Qianlong year the Board of Rites is- sued an order that expanded the jurisdiction of police officials from the localities to all of Guangdong prov- ince. In reality this was the beginning of the formation of level one administration units below the county level. The judicial district of the local police chief in Guangdong Province, known as a "Bureau" ( Si), was replicated by other provinces across the whole nation thereafter. This signified the penetration of state power penetrates into the grass roots level beneath county. Thus, the long standing viewpoint that takes the county as the base level of administration needs to be reconsidered.
The Qing History Journal