Operation Phase Problems of Prefabricated Residential Buildings with Integrated Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Panel Walls
Operation Phase Problems of Prefabricated Residential Buildings with Integrated Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Panel Walls
Growing technical problems with the maintenance of precast concrete housing stock result in the search for efficient repair methods. The paper analyses the effects of flaws in the design concept and assembly accuracy of integrated AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) panel walls, type GWO (Gazobetonowa Wielka P|yta Ostonowa which means large cover panel from aerated concrete in English), used as curtain walls in a system of precast concrete housing blocks erected in Lublin. The results of in-situ observations and laboratory tests of the panel walls have been described, and the opinion on the further use of these elements has been presented. As for the analysed case, there is no possibility of replacing damaged elements, thus, additional reinforcement with steel tendons has been proposed as a repair measure.
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