To understand the heavy metals Arsenic speciation and influence factors in the water of Wuliangsuhai Lake, the samples were collected. The total Arsenic concentration was analyzed. As different chemical species in water have different toxity to organism, the speciation of the studied metals in WL was analyzed with the PHREEQC model. The impact of temperature, redox and pH on the heavy metal species in WL was simulated with the PHREEQC. The results showed that the average Arsenic concentrations in lake water were 6.67μg·L^-1. All sampling contents were not beyond the surface water standards and national fisheries standards. The mainly chemical species of Arsenic in water solution were HAsO4^2, however, the N13 water sites were H3AsO3 which content is 97.59%. The change of temperature have minor impact on the speciation of Arsenic. pH influences greatly the speciation of Arsenic. In the condition of low pH (pH=6-7.5), the counter hydrolysis reaction of heavy metals is dominant. In the condition of high pH (pH=7.5-11), the hydrolysis reaction of heavy metals is dominant. Water redox condition in the lake has different effects on Arsenic speciation. In the reduction condition, H3AsO3, and H2AsO3^- are the dominant species. In the oxidation condition, HAsO4^2-, and H2AsO4^- are dominant species. So, for the cold lake, more attention should be paid to the icebound lake environment and water arsenic content.
Ecology and Environmental Sciences