

Heptameron:Stories of Architects and their Workshops from Imhotep to Raphael
摘要 人类的建筑活动可以一直追溯到文明诞牛之初2400年前,柏拉图曾明确指出,建筑师是"工匠的指挥者"。而职业建筑师工作室的出现,却是18世纪中叶之后的事情。直到19世纪,建筑才成为一种专门职业。几千年中,"建筑师"、"大师"一再被重新定义。在现代建筑教育出现之前,建筑师都是从其它行业"跨界"从事建筑,其工作室大都为一件具体的作品而存在。本文以"七日谈"的形式,试举现代建筑师工作室之先例七种。从古埃及大祭司印何阗到文艺复兴绘画巨匠拉斐尔,七位大师的故事或要引发当今建筑师对自身实践的思考。 Building activities can be traced all the way back to the beginnings of human civilization. Architects, or master builders, have existed since early recorded history. As Plato points out, the master-builder is "the ruler of workmen". Yet not until after mid-eighteenth century did architectural firms in the modern sense come into being, and it was only in the nineteenth century that architecture began to be practiced as a full-time profession. Over the course of millennia, concepts like "architect" and "master" had been constantly redefined. Before modern architectural education appeared, architects normally came to practice architecture from other fields, and the existence of their workshops often depended upon one major project. Adopting the literary form of the Heptameron, this paper chronicles seven stories from Imhotep to Raphael, presenting their workshops as precedents for modern architectural practice.
作者 刘晨
出处 《世界建筑》 2015年第4期30-39,136,共10页 World Architecture
关键词 大师 工匠 工匠的领袖 工作室 手工业行会 master, craftsman, ruler of workmen, workshop,guild
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  • 1The Architect: Chapters in the History of the Profession, edited by Spiro Kostof, University of Chicago Press, 2000.
  • 2Penelope Reed Doob, The Idea of the Labyrinth: From Classical Antiquity through the Middle Ages, Cornell University Press, 1992.
  • 3d.d. Coulton, Ancient Greek Architects at Work, Cornell University Press, 1977.
  • 4Gisela M. A. Richter, "The Pheidian Zeus at Olympia", Hesperia 35.2 (April-June 1966): 166-170.
  • 5I.E. Brown, "Vitruvius and the Liberal Art of Architecture", Bucknell Review 11 (1963): 99-107.
  • 63.B. Ward-Perkins, Roman Imperial Architecture, Yale University Press, 1970.
  • 7G. Downey, "Byzantine Architects, Their Training and Methods", Byzantion 18 (1946/48): 99-118.
  • 8K.D. Matthews, "Roman Aqueducts: Technical Aspects of Their Construction", Expedition 13 (1970): 2-16.
  • 9H. Meeks, "The Architect and His Profession in Byzantium", Royal Institute of British Architects, Journal 59 (1952): 216-220.
  • 10Nicholas Pevsner, "The Term 'Architect' in the Middle Ages", Speculum 17 (1942): 549-562.








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