When you open dianping.com,one of the most popular online shopping comment websites in China,and click the rank of Beijing shopping centers based on the three parameters:product,popularity and environment,you will find one which is listed as the top in products and environment as well as the second in popularity.It is the famous Parkview Green FangCaoDi.After a guick calculation,there are around 750 shopping malls of different sizes in Beijing listed in Dianping.com.Under such intense competition,what makes Parkview Green stand out with such prominence? Oct 24 2014,Zou Yi,the founder and writer of Retail Estate Observer.interviewed Mr.George Wong,the president of Parkview Group,which is the current main operator of Parkview Green FangCaoDi.In the interview,we tried to explore the operation philosophy and strategies he applied as a cross-border operator who has no experience in managing a shopping center before.It is the philosophy and the strategies that helped the Parkview Green FangCaoDi subvert the fierce competition pattern between traditional shopping centers and become the most attractive project in the megacity of Beijing.