
高层建筑结构设计优化的方法和作用探讨 被引量:2

To Investigate the Method and Effect of Optimization Structure Design of High-rise Building
摘要 高层建筑结构设计是高层建筑产品生产中最为关键的一个环节,可以帮助建筑企业为社会各领域生产出更多高品质的建筑产品。本文就有关高层建筑结构设计的优化方法与作用进行了简要分析。 The design of high-rise building structure is one of the most critical problems in high-rise building construction, which can help the construction enterprises to produce more high-quality building products for various social fields. This paper makes a brief analysis of the function and optimization method about structure design of high-rise building.
作者 张明
出处 《城市建筑》 2014年第32期64-64,共1页 Urbanism and Architecture
关键词 高层建筑 结构优化设计 方法 作用 high-rise building optimization design of struct- ure method function
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