

Language and Metaphysics in Johann Georg Hamann's Aesthetica in Nuce and Philologische Einflle und Zweifel
摘要 哈曼是第一个对启蒙运动提出系统批判和深刻质疑的思想家,享有"德国文学全盛时期开山之父"的美誉。随着康德在德国哲学界的影响日益深远,人们对他批评康德的那些深刻理论日渐遗忘。但哈曼那些基于语言、经验和传统文化的批评,尤其是对康德理性概念的批评,迄今为止,仍当在最精辟的批评理论之列。尽管哈曼早期接受的是启蒙主义教育,但自其皈依基督教之后,便成为抨击启蒙理性的重量级批评家。他以启蒙运动的哲学工具来坚守看似非理性主义的宗教立场,在这一点上,哈曼扮演着不可替代的角色。在哈曼的"美学"和"语言学"著作中,有关语言、图像与服饰、抽象与具名、词语与传统、启示与美学、言说与翻译等问题的论述,是他那个时代对语言和美学最深刻的思考之一。尤其是他所创立的以启蒙话语和启蒙思维作为批判工具的主导模式,当在德国哲学最迷人的华彩篇章之列。 The broad development of German philosophy since Immanuel Kant has obscured the work of Johann Georg Hamann ( 1730 - 1788) from the very beginning due to the way in which Hamann' s main concerns conflicted with the idea of reason as an autonomous faculty. Yet, Hamann' s work presents one of the most incisive critiques of the Kantian notion of reason and Enlightenment-based thinking in general, a critique that prioritizes language, experience, and tradition as the foundations of knowledge. Hamann' s marginalization from academic discourse began during his life when, after university training in an Enlightenment context, he made a sudden conversion to Christianity that led him to reject many of the basic presuppositions of Enlightenment-era philosophy. He attacked the self-sufficiency of reason, defended the legitimacy of religious revelation, and championed a commitment to tradition. He was unique, however, in his ability to use the philosophical tools of the Enlightenment in order to defend these seemingly irrationalist positions.
出处 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期41-51,共11页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 哈曼 图像 语言哲学 具名 Hamann figure metaphysics names
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  • 3Sparling, Robert Alan. Johann Georg Hamann and the Enlightenment Project. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2011. pp. 13 24.
  • 4Hamann, Johann Georg. Writings on Philosophy and Language. Trans and ed. Kenneth Haynes. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. p. 116.
  • 5Dickson, Gwen Griffith. Johann Georg Hamann's Relational Metacriticism. Berlin: Waiter de Gruyter, 1995. pp. 71 75:.
  • 6Hamann, Johann Georg. Writings on Philosophy and Language. Trans and ed. Kenneth Haynes. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. p.116.
  • 7Hamann, Johann Georg. Writings on Philosophy and Language. Trans and ed. Kenneth Haynes. Cambridge Cambridge UP, 2007. p. 65.
  • 8Milbank, John. "The Theological Critique of Philosophy in Hamann and Jacobi. " Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology Ed. John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock, and Graham Ward. London: Routledge, 1999. p. 27.
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