

Where Is the Way Out of Chinese Manufacturing Industry?
摘要 进入21世纪以来,制造业面临着全球产业结构调整带来的机遇和挑战。毫不讳言地说,10年前还是"中国制造"的黄金时代,但如今,大量制造企业却陷入了增长乏力的泥淖。几年间,中国纺织行业用工成本比东南亚国家高出1-3倍,用棉成本高达30%以上,加上东南亚国家在发达国家享有的低关税优惠,即便充分发挥产业体系与生产效率优势,中低档产品的国际竞争力也已明显下降,印度、越南、缅甸以及其他东南亚国家分流中国低端制造业订单早已不是新鲜事,中国在"世界工厂"的位置上坐立不安。于是,大量制造企业想到一个应变手段——"走出去",在海外投资,寻找更优的资源配置方式,建立更高效的跨国供应链。但是,在一些不了解情况的外国采购商眼里,中国制造等同于廉价低质。更让中国制造业感到焦躁的是,2008年国际金融危机之后,世界各国为了寻找促进经济增长的新出路,开始重新重视制造业,美国、英国、德国等国家整体上开始加大对制造业科技创新的扶持力度。尤其是在纺织服装领域,这些国家开始培养自己的制衣工人……在这一连串变化的背后,包括纺织服装业在内的中国制造业该怎么办? Since entering the 21 st centur y, the manufacturing sector in China had b e en f ac i ng t he oppor t u n it ie s a nd c h a l lenge s br ou g ht by t he g lob a l industrial structure adjustment.To be honest, it was a golden age of 'Made in China' ten years ago. But nowadays, a large number of manufacturing enterprises had sunk into a quagmire of weak grow th. During several years, China tex tile industr y labor cost had been higher than Southeast Asia countries for 1 to 3 times, w ith more than 30% higher w ith cot ton cost. Southeast Asia countries also enjoyed low tariff offers. Middle products of China with international competitiveness also appeared obviously declined, even with full-series industrial chain system and production efficiency advantage. India, Vietnam, Myanmar and other Southeast Asia countries are shunting China low-end manufacturing orders. China kept fidgeting in the seat of World Factory.So, a la r ge nu mber of ma nu f ac t urer s t hin k about a s t ra in way, going abroad, overseas investment, looking for better allocation of resources to build a more efficient global supply chain. However, in the eyes of some foreign buyers, Made in China still equates to cheap and low quality.China's manuf ac t ur ing sec tor wa s even more an x ious about t he f ac t s that after global financial crisis in the year of 2008, many countries were looking for new ways to promote economic growth and began to refocus on manufacturing. United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries started to increase support on their scientific and technological innovation to the manufacturing sector. Especially in the field of textiles and garments, these countries even began to develop their own garment workers.With those series of factors behind, including the textile and clothing industry, what should Chinese manufacturing industry do?
作者 睿彦
出处 《中国制衣》 2015年第2期12-17,共6页
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