
建筑生命周期物化碳计算方法比较分析 被引量:7

Comparative Analysis of Calculation Method of Embodied Carbon during Life Cycle of Buildings
摘要 温室气体排放引起的全球变暖已成为国际社会关注的焦点问题,而建筑在其建造活动和相关材料生产过程产生大量的温室气体。为了采取正确的措施减少建筑碳排放,准确量化建筑的碳排放尤为重要。本文对已有的建筑生命周期物化碳的相关研究进行梳理,分析了目前常用的3种建筑生命周期物化碳计算方法(基于过程法、投入产出法和混合法),并从系统边界、数据特点和计算的准确性3个方面对这3种方法进行比较。研究结果表明,基于过程法操作性较好、应用最广泛,但准确性低;投入产出法应用比较少,其结果过于粗略;混合法计算准确性较高,但因操作较复杂,应用也比较少。 Global warming caused by discharge of community. Plenty of greenhouse gas is generated greenhouse gas has become a focus of concern for international during the construction of buildings and relevant production of materials. To reduce carbon emission of buildings using correct measures, it is particularly important to quantify the carbon emission of buildings accurately. By referring to existing studies on embodied carbon during life cycle of buildings, three common methods for calculating embodied carbon during life cycle of buildings (process-based method, input-output method and hybrid method) were analyzed. The methods were compared in terms of system boundary, data characteristics and accuracy of calculation. The results showed that the process-based method features good operability, wide application but low accuracy; the input-output method is seldom applied and its results are excessively rough ; the hybrid method presents high accuracy of calculation, but it is also rarely used due to complicated operation. The findings provide a theoretical basis for the selection of proper calculation method of embodied carbon during life cycle of buildings and the effective analysis of Embodied carbon during life cycle of buildings.
出处 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期89-95,共7页 Building Science
基金 2013年重庆市社会科学规划项目"可持续城镇化建设比较研究"(2013YBGL132)
关键词 建筑物化碳 碳排放 生命周期分析 比较分析 embodied carbon of buildings, carbon emission, analysis of life cycle, comparative analysis
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