
2009—2014年新疆维吾尔自治区石河子市流行性感冒流行特征分析 被引量:3

Epidemiology of influenza in Shihezi,Xinjiang,2009-2014
摘要 目的掌握2009—2014年新疆石河子市流行性感冒(流感)流行规律、病毒型别及其活动水平,为流感的预警及防控提供依据。方法收集2009—2014年石河子市流感监测系统流感样病例(ILI)监测资料和流感样标本病毒检测结果资料进行分析。应用χ2检验分析阳性率等指标的差异。结果 2009—2014年,哨点医院门诊病例总数为793 920例,ILI 23 036例,ILI占门诊病例总数的平均比例(ILI%)为2.90%,6个年度中15岁以下人群ILI占60.68%。ILI流行高峰主要集中在10月至次年2月。共检测ILI咽拭子标本1788份,阳性255份,阳性率为14.26%,各年份病毒阳性率不同(χ2=42.00,P<0.001),各年度优势毒株变化十分明显。结论石河子市冬、春季流感流行严重,应根据流感病毒各亚型毒力开展以15岁以下人群为重点防控对象的流感预防措施。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of influenza in Shihezi from 2009 to 2014 and provide evidence for the prevention and control of influenza. Methods The influenza-like illness (ILl) surveillance data and influenza virus detection data in Shihezi during this period were collected. Chi-squared test was conducted to analyze the surveillance and virus detection results. Results A total of 23 036 ILl cases were detected among the 793 920 outpatients seeking medical care in sentinel hospital (2. 90% ) during this period, The ILl cases in age group 〈 15 years accounted for 60. 68%. The incidence peak of ILl was during October-February. Among 1788 pharyngeal swabs detected, 255 were positive ( 14. 26% ). The differences in annual virus detection rate were statistical significant (χ2 = 42.00, P 〈 0. 001 ). The predominant virus varied with year. Conclusion The incidence of influenza was high during winter-spring in Shihezi. It is necessary to conduct targeted influenza prevention and control in age group 〈 15 years according to the detection results of influenza virus activity.
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2015年第4期269-272,共4页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 流行性感冒 流感样病例 流感病毒 Influenza Influenza-like illness Influenza virus
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