对某三甲医院核医学相关科室及周围环境进行电离辐射水平监测与分析,结果表明,核医学科工作场所中γ辐射空气吸收剂量率值略高于当地本底值,是由于存放放射性药物所致;核医学科周围环境γ辐射空气吸收剂量率均为该区本底值;核医学科高活室和甲功能测定室内β表面沾污水平为1.74 Bq/cm2和1.32 Bq/cm2,低于国家控制区的限值40.0 Bq/cm2;土壤中总β比活度结果为632.8~971.3 Bq/kg,在辽宁省本底值范围内;外排水中总β比活度为0.58 Bq/L,低于国家污水排放总β放射性最高允许排放浓度10.0 Bq/L的排放限值。该核医学科辐射水平监测结果均符合国家相关标准限值的要求,属于水平正常。
The monitoring and evaluating of ionizing radiation was performed for the relevant departments and the surrounding environment of a third-grade class-A hospital. From the result, it was found that the air absorbed dose rate of γ radiation in the nuclear medicine workplace was a little more than the local background values, which was due to radiopharmaeeutieals. And the air absorbed dose rate of γradiation in the surrounding environment of nuclear medicine was equal to the local background values. The contamination level of β surface in the high-activity room of nuclear medicine and thyroid function testing room were 1.74 Bq/cm2 and 1.32 Bq/cm2, respectively, which were below 40.0 Bq/cm2 of the limit of national controlled area. The total β specific activity of soil was between 632.8 Bq/kg and 971.3. Bq/kg, which was in the range of background values in Liaoning province. The total β specific activity of exterior drainage was 0.58 Bq/L, which was below 10.0 Bq/L of the highest concentration limit of national sewage discharge. So, the monitoring result of radiation level of the nuclear medicine was in accord with the limit require- ment of relevant national standards, and the radiation level of the nuclear medicine was normal.
environmental protection and circular economy
nuclear medicine
ionizing radiation