
汉口城市治理结构嬗变与城市空间逻辑的转换 被引量:5

Transition of Hankou Urban Governance Structure and Transformation of Urban Spatial Logic
摘要 明成化年间汉水改道后,汉口由此涸出水面,由于地处优越的水运环境,商贾云集,商业兴隆。因孤岛格局导致交通不便,汉口一开始官治松弛,各地商人自发形成同乡会和同业帮会共同管理地方,形成均衡的晶体治理结构,达成地方自治。空间形态由于缺少官方干预形成基于码头城市逻辑的鱼刺状肌理,汉口日常生活丰富多元,社会排斥较少,构成融洽的商业社会共同体。1861年汉口开埠,导致经济结构转变,地方自治开始瓦解,取而代之的是官方面面俱到的监控,自治的瓦解出现社会异化,在汉口城市中心向租界方向转移过程中,出现空间分异。汉口城墙由于受新的经济逻辑影响修建成后城马路,"马路经济"暂露头角,改变了"水运经济",城市规模也随之扩大,横平竖直的新型道路加诸新式里分住宅的建设模式于此滥觞。警察制度的建立极大挫伤了社会生态,地方自治自此让渡于官方管理。 In Ming Chenghua period, after the diversion of the Han River, Hankou thus appeared. Due to its excellent waterway environment, merchants gathered in Hankou and Hankou's business was booming. Because of the isolated island pattern, Hankou's government was loose in the beginning, and spontaneously formed associations and gangs to manage the local place, where balanced governance structure just like the crystals took shape and achieved local autonomy. Due to the lack of official intervention, Hankou took the fishbone-like spatial form with rich and diverse daily life and less social exclusion, constituting a harmonious business social community. The port of Hankou opening in 1861, giving rise to changes in the economic structure, local self-government began to collapse, which was replaced by official exhaustive monitoring. After the collapse of the autonomy, community began to differentiate. In the process of city center transferring to the concession, spatial differentiation took shape in Hankou. Due to the impact of the new economic logic, Hankou wall was built into the street, and "street economy" started to come out and changed the "waterway economy". At the same time, the scale of cities was also enlarged, and the unified construction model of straight roads and the new residential became popular. As a result of the police system, social ecology was greatly bruised, and local autonomy was totally replaced by the official governance.
作者 王刚
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 2014年第5期74-79,共6页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
关键词 治理结构 信仰共同体 警察制度 空间分异 马路经济 Governance Structure Community of Belief Police System Spatial Differentiation Road Economy
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