
我国健美运动员身体不同部位肌肉含量特征研究 被引量:1

On Muscle Mass and Distribution Features of Chinese Body-builders
摘要 通过人体不同部位肌肉含量的研究,探寻提高健美运动员科学训练的有效途径。选取8名国内高水平健美运动员,在赛季初期利用双能X射线体成分与骨密度扫描仪,对运动员上肢、下肢、躯干、全身肌肉含量进行测量,并进行比值分析。为健美运动员在大训练周期中科学改善身体不同部位的肌肉含量提供理论依据。 This is a research which explores effective ways to improve bodybuilding training through analyzing muscle mass and distribution features of Chinese elite bodybuilders. In the beginning of the season, 8 bodybuilders who underwent bone mineral density examination receive dual -energy X -ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Body composition, such as arms muscle mass, legs muscle mass, torso muscle mass, total body muscle mass by DEXA. The research attempts to provide training theoretical basis for Chinese elite bodybuilders and coaches in their training cycles.
作者 刘一阳
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期364-368,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
关键词 健美运动员 肌肉含量 均衡性 对称性 elite bodybuilders muscle distribution symmetry balanced
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