目前使用调谐质量阻尼器(tuned mass damper,TMD)对输电塔进行振动控制时,仅针对设计好的塔设计TMD,常忽略TMD对结构动力特性的影响。该文提出把输电塔和TMD视为一个系统,针对整个系统进行一体化设计。以系统传递函数的H∞范数为优化目标,采用遗传算法对角钢截面进行优化。在计算H∞范数时,用串联多质点模型模拟塔架结构以简化计算。为保证优化结果满足静力工况且不增加用钢量,引入惩罚函数来调整个体的适应度。最后以某输电塔为例进行优化计算,结果表明,一体化设计进一步降低了输电塔的地震响应,同时能保证结构满足静力工况且总质量不超过原设计的用钢量。该方法不需要求解时域响应,计算效率较高。
A tuned mass damper( TM D) is often used to reduce the seismic response of transmission tower,which is designed based on the previously designed tower,so the influence of TM D on the structural dynamic characteristics is often neglected. This paper proposed an integrated design method for the transmission tower-TM D system,which selected the H∞norm of system transfer function as the optimization objective,and used Genetic algorithm( GA) to optimize the section of angle steel. The multi-degree-freedom model was adapted to simulate tower structure to simplify the calculation of its H∞norm. In order that the optimized structure satisfied the static loads and the total mass was not increased,the penalty function was also introduced to adjust the GA fitness. Taking the structure of a practical tower as example,the optimization calculation result shows that the proposed integrated design can further reduce the seismic response of transmission tower,with the static load case satisfied and the same total mass. This method avoids calculating the time domain response,and thus has high computation efficiency.
Electric Power Construction