
德育理论发展的同质化陷阱 被引量:2

On the Trap of Isomorphism in the Development of Moral Educational Theories: A Synchronical Comparison
摘要 应用新制度主义社会学的共时比较教育研究方法,发现中国德育理论的发展起点,不仅是对德育现实问题的反思。出于德育研究者群体自身的合法性需求,在理论发展过程中与西方德育理论之间表现出强烈的同质化倾向。这意味着研究者更注重对同侪理论的模仿,而缺乏实际的问题指向,形成一种同质化陷阱。 According to those arguments provided by the school of new institutionalism, those rational actors from certain poorly defined institutional section will tend to be increasingly similar. A synchronical comparison shows that the development of Chinese moral educational theories is not totally root in the real problem in China. A considerable similarity between those theories provided by western and eastern moral educational theorists can be found easily which aims to answering the demand for legitimacy of the researcher community itself. This tendency predicts a higher interesting to imitate the newly updated theories in the western world, and a lower interesting to tackle the real problems. The isomorphic process overlooks a vital dimension of the development of moral educational theories, deontological ethics, which was defined as a trap of isomorphism in this article.
作者 丁道勇
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期74-84,共11页 Global Education
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目“民国时期公民教育的话语演变(项目编号:12YJC880014)”研究成果
关键词 德育理论 共时比较 同质化陷阱 theories of moral education synchronical comparison a trap of isomorphism
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