
二战期间美国对德军战俘的处置——兼评艾森豪威尔的“战俘新思维” 被引量:1

US Disposal of German Prisoners-of-War in World War Ⅱ-Comment on“New Thinking about Prisoners of War”
摘要 参战前期,美军输送德军俘虏到美国本土的战俘营进行安置。随着1945年欧洲出现的粮食短缺以及德军战俘人数的剧增,建立露天大营、就地安置战俘成为美军的选择。美国战俘政策的转变源于艾森豪威尔提出的"战俘新思维",即把在德国境内收押的德国军人当作"被缴械的敌军"而不是"战俘"对待,为美军在1945年4月转变德军战俘处置政策提供了借口。"战俘新思维"违背了日内瓦公约,是美国单边主义外交的前奏。 At the early stage of joining in World War II, US army transported German prisoners to prisoner- of-war camps located in the United States. With the appearance of food shortage in Europe and the dramatic increase in the number of German prisoners in 1945, US chose to arrange for prisoners of war locally and set up camps in the open air. This transition derived from "The New Thinking about Prisoner of War" put forward by Eisenhower, which treated German prisoners imprisoned in Germany as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" rather than "Prisoners of War". This "New Thinking" provided an excuse to the transition of US disposal of German prisoners-of-war in April 1945. It evaded some related terms of The Geneva Conventions 1929 and it is a prelude to US unilateralist diplomacy.
作者 王雅红 贾凯
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期316-321,共6页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
关键词 二战 美国 德军战俘 艾森豪威尔 战俘新思维 World War II the United States German prisoners-of-war Eisenhower the New Thinking a-bout Prisoners of War
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