俄国第一位诺贝尔文学奖获得者伊·阿·布宁侨居时期的短篇小说《中暑》在其爱的创作主题中有着特殊的地位。该文以这篇小说为例 ,力求探索布宁创作的语言风格、写作技巧和对爱的独特诠释。精确的词汇选择 ,得心应手的环境烘托 ,作者娴熟地勾画出一个极其简单但又令人震撼的故事 ,表达了 ,爱 ,哪怕只是短暂的 ,只要有瞬间的激情 ,也弥足珍贵 ,因为它是人与贫乏的现实生活的抗争。
The short story 'Sunstroke' by I.A.Bunin, the first Nobel Prize winner of Russians in literature, takes up a special place in his creation on the theme of love. Based on this short story, this paper tries to explore Bunins language style, writing techniques, and his unique interpretation of love. By the masterly diction and typical setting of his stirring story, he shows to the reader that love, though brief, is precious, only if there is even momentary fervour in it, because it is the struggle of humanity against sterile life
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University