《生活饮用水输配水设备及防护材料的安全性规范》对饮用水输配水设备浸泡水的卫生要求为铅的增加量小于0.001 mg/L。本文采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定水龙头浸泡液中铅的含量。通过分析水龙头浸泡液中铅的测定过程,确定不确定度来源,建立数学模型,最终进行不确定度评定。当线性范围为:0-10μg/L时,其回归方程y=0.0839x-0.0005。结果表明:当浸泡液中铅元素浓度1.5-4.5μg/L,其测量不确定度为5%以下;其不确定度主要来自校正曲线和样品重复测定。
According to Standard for Hygienic Safety Evaluation of Equipment and Protective Materials in Drinking Water, the increment of lead in soaking solution of Equipment and Protective Materials in Drinking Water was less than 0. 001 mg/L. The determination of lead element in soaking solution of tap was measured by inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The source of uncertainty in the determination of lead element in soaking solution of tap was investigated by analyzing the whole determination procedure. Each uncertainty component was modeled to evaluate the uncertainty. The standard curve for lead element was linear over the range 0 -10 μg/L, typical equation y =0. 0839x- 0. 0005. Results showed that when the sample concentration was in the range of 1.5 -4. 5 μg/L, the measurement uncertainty was below 5 %. The main uncertainties were attributed to two sources, the fitting of the calibration curve and namely measurement repeatability
GuangZhou Chemical Industry