
群体性纠纷的示范诉讼解决机理与构造 被引量:10

Leading Case Litigation: Mechanism and Construction of Resolving Group Disputes
摘要 在群体性纠纷解决过程中,群意表达易被集体意旨所表征而成为公开文本,但群体成员个体表意的隐藏文本并不能有效转化为合意而被吸纳其中、并在最终影响群体司法正义的实现。既有群体司法虽通过直觉法中的情理因素涵摄以及法庭的非社会化给予响应,但也由此造成了群体性司法诉讼效率与共识达成的现代化之殇。德国针对私人投资者建立的首个示范性诉讼立法实践表明:通过示范诉讼契约吸纳当事人诉讼处分合意,可改善群体司法对每一个当事人的诉讼权保障程度;通过诉讼退出制,可协调无法达成"集体意旨"的少数当事人另行起诉;灵活运用包括胜诉酬金制在内的起诉激励,也在一定程度上纾解了群体性诉讼巨型化的困局。 During resolving the group disputes, the expression of a group is easy to be an open script in public as a group intention, while the individual hidden transcript of the group is not effective to be accepted by the group as a reasonable intention, which finally affects the production of the judicial justice of the group. The ready group judicatory is applied in group justice through the reasonable factors of the nature law and the informal court, which always leads to the modem defects of lawsuit efficiency of group judicatory and the trouble consensus. The leading cases litigation practice in German shows that a leading case contract helps to improve the level of litigation rights protection and the opt - out system helps minority parties who have not reach "the group intention" to bring new cases. With the function of leading case and the testing error, the leading case litigation develops both numerous standard and bottom line of public acceptance as well as litigation cost .
作者 陈慰星
机构地区 华侨大学法学院
出处 《华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第2期91-101,共11页 Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(11YJC820008) 福建省法学会法学研究课题重点项目(FLS(2014)A05) 华侨大学"海上丝绸之路"专项研究课题(HSYB2014-04)
关键词 群体性纠纷 纠纷解决 示范诉讼 德国证券纠纷 group disputes resolving disputes leading case litigation securities disputes in German
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