
西藏新型城镇化发展的特殊性与渐进模式及对策建议 被引量:32

Particularities,Gradual Patterns and Countermeasures of New-type Urbanization in Tibet,China
摘要 西藏走新型城镇化之路是西藏人民同全国一道全面建成小康社会的必由之路。但西藏的新型城镇化发展有着与内地截然不同的特殊自然本底、特殊发展性质、特殊发展阶段、特殊发展动力和特殊发展格局五大特殊性。针对这些特殊性,将符合西藏特点的新型城镇化发展思路确定为:立足国情,紧扣区情,该快则快,需稳则稳,2020年西藏城镇化水平不超过28%,至2030年不超过40%左右;尊重民意,适度聚散,宜聚则聚,需散则散;牧在乡里,住在镇里,就近落户,就地就业;突出特色,彰显民风,弘扬文化,重接地气。实现新型城镇化的特殊目标是稳妥进入城镇化发展的中期阶段并将长期稳定在中期阶段。西藏新型城镇化的特殊模式建议采取就近就地镇民化的渐进城镇化模式,实现以小城镇为主导的农牧民镇民化,而非市民化;推进以农牧民社区建设为主导的渐进城镇化,以标准化农牧民社区拉动人口集聚;推进渐进城镇化的自主模式,尝试以股份制合作将农牧民变为股民。符合西藏特点的新型城镇化发展的特殊空间格局为形成"一群三轴多节点"的倒"T"型据点式空间布局,即突出建设"一群"(西藏—泽当特色城镇群),重点建好"三轴"(东部的尼洋河中下游城镇发展轴、西部的雅鲁藏布江中上游城镇发展轴和北部的青藏铁路沿线城镇发展轴),牢固培育"多节点"(藏东节点、藏北节点、藏西节点和边境沿线城镇节点)。加快西藏新型城镇化发展的对策包括:依靠科技创新驱动,积极稳妥地推进西藏新型城镇化健康稳定发展,从"科技兴藏"角度开展西藏新型城镇化发展的关键技术研究与应用示范,启动编制《全国科技援藏实施规划(2015—2020)》;突出发展产城融合的特色优势产业,为西藏新型城镇化发展提供产业支撑;打通对内对外的互联互通战略通道,为西藏新型城镇化提供交通支撑;大力发展清洁能源和可再生能源,为西藏新型城镇化提供能源支撑;制定西藏新型城镇化发展的特殊优惠政策,进一步加强西藏新型城镇化发展的对口支援和"点对点"结对制度,从固土守边的国家安全战略高度继续推动撤县设区和撤地设市工作。 New-type urbanization of the Tibet Autonomous Region is the only route through which building a comprehensive well-off society must be passed with the Chinese people. Compared with inland, the development of new-type urbanization in Tibet, however, has its own characteristics including unique natural background, particular developing feature, special developmental stage, especial development momentum, and specific development pattern. Considering these particularities, we put forward some new ideas on the development strategies of new-type urbanization in Tibet. Focusing on Tibet' s features to reach a well-advised speed of urbanization, we suggest that the urbanization level of Tibet should be less than 30 percent by 2020, and 35 percent by 2030. To build a new pattern, we must take the scientific development concept as the instruction, understand publie mind, and respect public opinions to organize a centralized or decentralized spatial distribution pattern of new-type urbanization linked to regional suitability. In view of the significance of employment and household registration, we recommend that it should be encouraged to herd in countryside, live in towns, settle down in the neighborhood regions, and work locally using the idea of new-type urbanization to highlight the characteristics of Tibet, to reveal the folk custom, to carry forward the traditional culture, and to implement related reforms on the ground. The specific objective of new-type urbanization of Tibet is improving urbanization development into the medium-term stage, and remaining a stable medium-term stage. We propose that an incremental urbanization pattern through transferring from agro-pastoralists to towns folks locally and treating small towns as the dominant form of urbanization, an appropriate path for Tibet. A standardized farmers and herdsmen community can be used to promote population aggregation and to boost a gradual urbanization. In addition, it is very meaningful to try a share-holding cooperation mechanism to turn farmers and herdsmen into shareholders, and to encourage initiatives in autonomous modes of progressive urbanization. The special spatial pattern according with new-type urbanization development of Tibet characteristics is upside down T-shaped "stronghold type" spatial distribution with "one agglomeration, three axes, multiple nodes ", that is, to develop mainly "one agglomeration" (Tibet-Ze Dang characteristic city agglomeration), to construct successfully "three axes" (east axis in middle and lower reaches of the Niyang river of eastern Tibet, west axis in upper and middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo river of western Tibet, and north axis along Qinghai-Tibet railway of northern Tibet), and to cultivate firmly "multiple nodes" (nodes of eastern Tibet, northern Tibet, western Tibet, as well as city nodes along the border). The countermeasures and suggestions to speed up the new-type urbanization development in Tibet are as follow. Firstly, promoting the development of new-type urbanization in Tibet actively and reliably driven more by innovation in sciences and technologies, so we can carry out critical technology research and application of new-type urbanization development in Tibet from "rejuvenate Tibet through science and technology " perspectives, and start to draw up "The national science and technology assistance to Tibet implementation planning (2015-2020)". Secondly, focusing on the development of those special advantageous industries that have the strengths of integrating industry with city development provides industry support for the development of new-type urbanization in Tibet. Thirdly, getting through the connectivity of internal and external strategic channels achieves the transportation support for the new-type urbanization development in Tibet. Fourthly, expanding clean and renewable energies vigorously seeks energy support for the development of new-type urbanization in Tibet. Finally, we need to establish special preferential policies such as further strengthen the counterpart support and point-to-point pair system of the new-type urbanization development in Tibet, and to continuously carry out the adjustment of administrative divisions (replace county and prefecture administrative units with districts and cities) from the strategic height of our national frontier security.
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2015年第3期294-305,共12页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(71433008) 国家自然科学基金项目(41371177)
关键词 新型城镇化 特殊性 发展思路 渐进模式 对策建议 西藏 new-type urbanization, particularity, development strategy, gradual pattern, countermeasures and suggestions, the Tibet Autonomous Region
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  • 1西藏自治区统计局.西藏统计年鉴2013.北京:中国统计出版社,2014,9-11.
  • 2方创琳,刘毅,林跃然.中国创新型城市发展报告.北京: 科学出版社,2013: 2-3.












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