目的 了解我国国产轮状病毒口服活疫苗的接种比例及实际接种程序,评价该疫苗使用的接种程序是否合理. 方法 对深圳市宝安区某接种点登记在册的2007年1月1日至2010年12月31日出生的儿童轮状病毒口服活疫苗接种情况进行分析,包括接种比例,接种年龄,接种季节.与深圳市轮状病毒流行的年龄分布进行比较分析疫苗接种程序的合理性.结果 深圳的接种比例为25.2%.首剂接种高峰年龄为10月龄及12月龄,在18月龄后基本不进行首剂的接种.接种无明显高峰季节.结论 结合轮状病毒哨点监测资料分析,不支持目前的免疫程序,需要根据我国轮状病毒流行特点及我国其他疫苗使用程序进行修改.
Objective To understand the immunization schedule of Lanzhou Lamb Rotavirus vaccine in post-licensed period and to evaluate the reasonableness of the present schedule.Methods A birth cohort registered in two vaccination sites in Shenzhen was investigated to get the vaccine coverage,age of immunization and vaccination seasonality,which along with the rotavirus prevalence characteristics in Shenzhen to evaluate the immunization schedule.Results The vaccine coverage is 25.2% in total,among which children immunized for 1 dose contribute to 99%.10 months and 12 months of age is the peak immunization age.There are barely children who take their first dose after the age of 18 months.The intervals between the first and the second dose are 12 months.No peak season of administration was observed.Conclusion The recommended immunization schedule is not proper according to the rotavirus epidemiology in China.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology