

Low Carbon Consumption Promotion Mechanism in the View of Consumer Values
摘要 低碳消费是低碳产品的价值实现过程,能有效激励企业低碳生产经营,提升政府低碳调控效率,推动低碳经济发展及产业结构转型升级。促进低碳消费不仅要优化消费结构,控制过度消费、奢侈消费、超前消费等消费主义行为,更要关注消费价值观的改变对增加低碳产品消费的影响。文章通过消费价值观影响低碳消费行为的理论基础分析,认为消费价值观要从消费目标上改变以主权消费价值观为导向而形成高碳消费行为,推动以自我利益和生态利益相结合的社会责任消费价值观发展;要从行为导向上改变长期形成的被动依附型消费价值观,培育主动参与型消费价值观发展,从而促进低碳消费。为此,要建立低碳消费的价值认同激励机制、低碳消费的价值保障机制、低碳消费的价值创造机制和低碳消费的价值传播机制。 Low carbon consumption is the process of realizing the value of low carbon products and it can effectively encourage enterprises to produce those goods and improve the government regulation efficiency for low carbon economics. As a result, low carbon economics is promoted for development and industrial structure transformation is upgraded. For promoting low carbon consumption , it is not only to optimize consumption structure, control the excessive consumption, luxury consumption and advance consumption, but also to pay more attention values changes which increase the consumption of low carbon product. In this paper, through the theoretical analysis about that the consumer values influence the low carbon consumer behavior, it can be found that consumer values should be changed from the sovereign consumer values forming a high carbon consumption behavior to social responsibility consumer values promoting the combination of self interests and ecological interests. It should be changed from the performance-oriented that the passive consumer values of the long-term formation to foster active participated consumer values promoting low carbon consumption. Therefore , for promoting the low carbon consumption, value recognition incentive mechanism, value guarantee mechanism, value creation mechanism, value dissemination mechanism of the low carbon consumption should be established.
作者 徐和清
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期81-84,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 消费价值观 低碳消费 低碳经济 低碳价值 Consumer values Low carbon consumption Low carbon economy Low carbon value
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