3John Grierson, Flaherty's Poetic Moana, in The Documentary Tradition: From Nanook to Woodstock, ed. Lewis Jacob, Hopkinson and Blake, 1971, p. 25.
4Jay Ruby, "The Aggie Will Come First", in Jo-Anne Birnie Danzker, ed., Robert Flaherty: Photographer and Filmmaker, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1979, p. 68.
3琳达·威廉姆斯(LindaWilliams).《没有记忆的镜子:真实、历史与新纪录片》(Mirrors without Memories:Truth,History,and the New Documentary)[J].电影季刊,1993:11-11.
4保罗·阿瑟(Paul Atthur).《关于真实性的术语描述:美国纪录片发展的三个重要时刻》(Jargons of Authenticity(Three American Moments)).收于《理论化纪录片》(Theorizing documentary),麦克·雷诺(Michael Renov)编著.New York:Routledge(1993),P127.
5Thomas Waugh, "Beyond verit e-Emile de Antonio and the new documentary of the 70s." Jump Cut, No. 10-11 (1976): 33-39.