
南海航道安全保障法律机制对“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的借鉴意义 被引量:7

The Lessons of the Legal System to Secure the South China Sea for “the 21^(st) Century Maritime Silk Road”
摘要 海上航道是沿海国家经济社会发展的重要生命线。南海各方几十年来构建的航道安全保障法律机制,一定程度上保障了南海航道安全。不过,该机制的局限性,即机制的软法性、履约行为的非约束性、机制的模糊性影响了权利义务的确定、机制的独立,加上域外势力干预及机制的公共物品属性,使其实效性更难以保证。本文认为,在我国全面推进"海上丝绸之路"的当下,需要南海各方协同破解制度困境:发展软硬法有机联系的法律机制;构建不受域外势力影响的合作框架;完善合作法律机制的内在构成要素;增加促进机制有效实施的工具手段。 Sea lanes become the important lifelines of coastal states' economic and social development. The nations bordering the South Sea have developed the security legal systems of sea lane security, which have some effectiveness. However, the non-binding nature embodied in soft laws, the ambiguity of the system af- fecting the certainty of rights and obligations, the independence of the mechanism which is difficult to get rid of intrusiveness, and the nature of public goods mace it hard to ensure its effectiveness, which demand all parties to crack the dilemmas of the system: develop an appropriate legal system for cooperation which include hard and soft laws , perfect internal components, and increase the tools to promote effective imple- mentation.
作者 李建勋
机构地区 黄冈师范学院
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期68-77,共10页 Pacific Journal
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"南海低敏感领域区域合作法律机制研究"(14YJA820014)的阶段性成果
关键词 南海 海上丝绸之路 航道安全 法律机制 the South China Sea Maritime Silk Road sea lane security legal system
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