
临氢21/4 Cr -1 Mo 焊接接头的回火脆化倾向性

Temper Embrittlement Tendency of 21/4Cr-1Mo Steel Welding Joint in Hydrogen Atmospheret
摘要 采用步冷试验法对21/4Cr-1Mo钢焊接接头的回火脆化倾向性进行评定试验。结果表明,由于焊缝、焊缝金属的回火脆化倾向性,试验焊接接头焊接热影响区的韧性高于焊接热影响区。由于焊缝和母材的磷含量较低,磷偏聚对回火脆化倾向性的影响较小,而组织结构对韧性和回火脆化倾向性的影响较大。 Test study of temper embrittlement tendency for welding joint of 2Cr-1Mo steel is carried out using step cooling test method .The results show that , due to the tendency of temper embrittlement of weld metal , the toughness of the heat affected zone of test welded joint is higher than that of heat affected zone .Because the phosphorus content in the weld and base material is lower , so phosphorus segregation effect on temper embrittlement tendency is smaller , while the affect of structure on tough-ness and embrittlement is si gnifican .
出处 《黑龙江冶金》 2015年第2期4-6,10,共4页
关键词 铬钼钢 回火脆化 步冷试验 热处理 Cr-Mo steel temper embrittlement step-cooling test heat treatment
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