Computer aided tolerancing (CAT) covers a wide range of subjects including specification and standardization, tolerancing in design/manufacturing process/product life management, verification and metrology, and functional tolerancing. Dimensioning and tolerancing standards origi- nated about 77 years ago in the form of various na- tional and company standards that governed engi- neering drafting and documentation practices, These standards have evolved and their rapid development has brought about many significant changes to tol- erancing in design and manufacturing. The release of ISO 14405-1:2010 (ISO, 2010) has introduced a rich new set of size specification modifiers, which in- cludes two-point and spherical local sizes least squares, maximum inscribed and minimum circum- scribed associations, and calculated diameters. Morse et al. (2012) present "size" as a fundamental engi- neering notion from several viewpoints, trace its evolution in engineering drawings, and discuss the implications of the use of size modifiers.
Project supported by the Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51221004)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51275464)
the National Basic Research Program(973) of China(No.2011CB706505)