
胰酶替代治疗慢性胰腺炎外分泌功能不全疗效观察 被引量:7

Observation of curative effect of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy for chronic pancreatitis with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
摘要 目的:观察胰酶制剂替代治疗改善慢性胰腺炎外分泌功能不全患者消化道症状及生活质量的效果。方法2010~2013年四川省人民医院收治的慢性胰腺炎合并外分泌功能不全患者98例,予胰酶制剂治疗1年,观察治疗6、12月后患者临床症状及生活质量改善情况。结果98例患者治疗后胃肠道症状及疼痛再发明显降低,胃肠胀气症状无明显改善;患者平均体重维持稳定并稍有增加,体重下降患者比例明显降低(P<0.05);胃肠生活质量量表(GIQLI)总评分明显增加,各单项评分均有改善( P<0.05)。结论胰酶替代治疗可显著改善慢性胰腺炎合并外分泌功能不全患者的胃肠道症状及生存质量。 Objective To assess the effect of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy on symptom improvement and quality of life in patients with chronic pancreatitis(CP) with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI).Methods Ninety-eight CP patients with chronic EPI during 2010~2013 in the Sichuan Provincial People 's Hospital were treated with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy for one year.The improvements of clinical symptoms and quality of life were observed in 6 and 12 months after the treatment .Results The gastrointestinal symptoms and recurrent pain of all the patients were significantly reduced after the treatment but flatulence was not significantly improved .The average body weight of the patients was maintained stable or increased slightly .The proportion of patients with body weight loss was obviously reduced (P <0.05).The total scores of gastrointestinal quality of life index (GIQLI) were in-creased and each individual score was improved ( P<0.05 ) .Conclusion The pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy can significant-ly improve the gastrointestinal symptoms and quality of life in CP patients with EPI .
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2015年第3期86-88,共3页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 慢性胰腺炎 胰腺外分泌功能不全 胰酶替代治疗 Chronic pancreatitis Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency Gastrointestinal quality of life index Pancreatic enzymereplacement
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