
生脉注射液防治放射性肺炎的实验研究 被引量:3

The Trial of ShengMai Injection on Preventing and Treating Radiation Pneumonia
摘要 目的:探讨生脉注射液防治放射性肺炎的作用。方法:将60只雌性SD大鼠随机分为空白组、生脉组、地塞米松组及模型组,每组15只。除空白组外其余各组用直线加速器对大鼠双肺进行单次照射25Gy造模,照射后生脉组、地塞米松组分别用相应药物灌胃,另2组均用生理盐水灌胃,观察各组大鼠2、4、6周时外观、体质量、肺系数及肺组织病理变化。结果:模型组大鼠照射2周后开始出现毛色无光泽,随着时间延长症状逐渐加重,出现照射区脱毛,同时体质量增长缓慢,肺系数逐渐增大,生脉组及地塞米松组明显优于模型组(P<0.05)。模型组肺组织病理呈放射性肺炎改变,并随着时间的延长,肺组织病理评分逐渐加重,生脉组及地塞米松组明显较轻(P<0.05),在第2、4周时生脉注射液组治疗效果优于地塞米松组(P<0.05),但在第6周时两者之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:生脉注射液可明显减轻大鼠放射性肺炎肺组织病理改变,反向验证了气阴两虚是放射性肺炎的主要中医病机之一。 To explore the function ofShengmaiinjection on preventing and treating radiation pneumonia. Methods: All 60 female rats were randomly allocated to the blank group,Shengmaiinjection group, dexamethasone group and the model group equally with 15 cases in each. Except the blank group, the single irradiation of 25Gy was implemented to other rats to establish models by linear accelerator. After irradiation, corresponding drugs were given to rats inShengMaiinjection and dexamethasone group and normal salines for other two groups by gav-age. Appearance, body mass, lung index and pathological changes of lung tissue of all rats were observed at the end of 2nd, 4th and 6th week. Results: Being irradiated for two weeks, the lackluster fur occurred in rats in the model group.Symptoms aggravated gradually as time went on which presented as follows: epilation in exposed region, slow weight growth and increase of lung index. The symptoms inShengMaiinjection and dexamethasone group were obviously milder than the model group (P〈0.05). Pathological changes of lung tissue were found in the model group and pathological score of lung tissue increased with prolonged time.The symptoms were obviously milder than that ofShengmaiinjection and dexamethasone group (P〈0.05). The therapeutic effect inShengmaiinjection group at 2nd and 4th week was better than that of dexamethasone group (P〈0.05), while the difference between two groups in the 6th week had no statistical meaning (P=0.139). Conclusion:ShengMaiinjection has the significant effect on relieving pathological changes of lung tissue in rats of radiation pneumonia, which, in turn, verifies thatQiandYin deficiency is one of the pathogenesis of radiation pneumonia in TCM.
出处 《西部中医药》 2015年第4期15-17,共3页 Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 2013年度军区医药卫生科研计划项目(编号CLZ13JB07)
关键词 生脉注射液 放射性肺炎 动物实验 Shengmaiinjection radiation pneumonia animal trial
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