
整体性治理视域下农村社区居民自治机制创新研究——以安徽省为例 被引量:3

The Innovation of Rural Community's Autonomy Mechanism from the Perspective of Holistic Governance:Taking Anhui Province as an Example
摘要 整体性治理理论是在新公共管理理论基础上发展而来。该理论在主体认同感、协同整合性、信息化运用、公共服务终极目标等方面与农村社区居民自治存在契合性。整体性治理视域下农村社区居民自治存在制度自身缺乏整体性、主体间整体性协调不足、参与渠道不够畅通、整体性参与不足等问题。解决对策有:围绕"两委"以及"乡村"关系开展协调机制构建;围绕参与自治的信息化、参与主体多元化、主体参与激励构建整体性参与机制;围绕传统道德习俗、村规民约、"微自治"构建农村社区居民自治运行机制。 The theory of holistic governance has been developed on the basis of the new public management theory. There are some similarities such as the subject identity and integration, information using, the ultimate goal of public service and autonomy of rural community. In the context of holistic governance, there are the lack of integrity and integral coordination, and the channel of participation is also partly blocked. The problem-solving countermeasures include constructing coordination mechanism involving " two committees" and " country-town" relationship; building integral participation mechanism involving the informationization of autonomy, diversity and participation incentive; and building the autonomy mechanism of rural residents involving the traditional moral customs, village regulations and "mini-autonomy".
作者 李长源
出处 《安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期21-25,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University:SOC.SCI.
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目(AHSKY2014D27:<创新安徽省乡镇政府社会治理机制研究>)
关键词 整体性治理 安徽省 农村社区 居民自治 holistic governance Anhui Province rural community residents autonomy
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