
如何撰写Campbell系统评价 被引量:7

How to Perform the Campbell Systematic Review
摘要 Campbell协作网是一个关注社会学领域生产、保存、传播高质量系统评价的国际性非营利性学术组织,是Cochrane协作网的姊妹组织。目前我国循证医学的思想和方法在临床医学领域已被广泛使用,但在教育学、社会学等非医学领域,循证实践的理念和系统评价方法很少被了解和应用。本文通过介绍Campbell系统评价的撰写步骤和技巧,使我国研究者初步了解如何使用系统评价的方法解决非医学领域的问题,鼓励相关学者尝试使用、撰写Campbell系统评价。 The Campbell Collaboration is an international nonprofit academic organization which concerns about production, storage and transmission high quality systematic reviews of the effects of social interventions, and it is called the sister organization of Cochrane Collaboration. Now the thinking and methods of Evidence-based medicine has been widely used in the field of clinical medicine, but its application in non-clinical medicine fields such as education and social area is rarely understood and used. This paper introduced the writing procedures and techniques of Campbell Systematic Review (C2SR), and to make the researchers preliminary understand how to resolve the problems in non-clinical field using the systematic review, and to encourage researchers try to use and write C2SR.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2015年第5期617-620,共4页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:81301177) 甘肃省留学回国人员科技活动项目(编号:20410404) 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号:lzugbky-2014-139)
关键词 系统评价 循证 Campbell协作网 Systematic review Evidence-based Campbell Collaboration
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