LiFePO4 is a hot research topic as cathode material in Li-ion battery due to its high theoretic capacity, low cost of raw material and environmental friendliness. As an electrode material, the charge/discharge capacity of compacted LiFePO4 is remarkably affected by its inner structure. Nanoscale X-ray computed tomography ( Nano CT) is suitable for nondestructive characterization of materials 3d innermorphology and structure with high spatial resolution. In this paper, a commercialized LiFePO4 electron slice was characterized by Nano CT to obtain its inner 3d morphology and structure. The pore structure of LiFePO4 slice was qualitatively displayed and quantitatively computed by using software Avizo based on the scanned data by Nano CT. The results show that pores in LiFePO4 electron slice are dispersedly distributed and pore volume distributes in a very large range. The porosity is 29?16%.
Journal of Chinese Electron Microscopy Society