
规范化围术期营养支持治疗的策略 被引量:5

Strategy of standardized nutritional support therapy in the perioperative period
摘要 近年来,围术期营养支持治疗的作用越来越受到重视,唯有科学合理地行营养支持治疗,才能最大程度使患者受益.笔者结合国内外最新研究成果,分析营养风险筛查与营养状况评估、术前及术后营养支持治疗等关键环节的重要概念及重点问题,概括术后危重、肥胖及短肠综合征和肠衰竭等特殊外科患者的营养支持治疗进展,探讨规范化围术期营养支持治疗的策略. In recent years,nutritional support therapy has been increasingly paid attention to scientific and reasonable using for patients.Based on the recent researches,the hot topics on the nutritional risk screening,nutritional status assessment and preoperative and postoperative nutritional support therapy were analyzed,and the strategies and progresses of nutritional support therapy for the postoperative critically ill patients,obese patients and short bowel syndromes or bowel failure patients were summarized,meanwhile,hot issues on the standardized nutritional support therapy in the perioperative period were explored in this article.
作者 杨桦
出处 《中华消化外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期358-360,共3页 Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(NSFCS1330013) 国家教育部创新团队项目基金(教技函[2013]59号)
关键词 营养支持治疗 围术期 规范化 Nutritional support therapy Perioperative period Standardization
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