
采用ReHo方法检测针刺重性抑郁患者百会穴激活的脑功能区 被引量:10

Acupuncture Baihui activated the functional brain areas of major depressive disorder patients with regional homogeneity
摘要 目的采用局部一致性(ReHo)算法fMRI观察针刺首发未治疗重度抑郁(MDD)患者百会穴(GV20)后激活的脑功能区。方法采用非重复事件相关设计范式,对16例首发未治疗MDD患者经电针刺激GV20或假穴后行静息态fMRI,采用ReHo方法分析针刺后MDD患者全脑的激活情况。结果与假穴对比,针刺GV20后,MDD患者左腹内侧前额叶、左侧岛叶、左侧前扣带回、右侧丘脑、右侧颞上回、双侧楔前叶、双侧小脑前叶及右侧小脑后叶的ReHo值升高。结论基于fMRI技术,采用ReHo方法可检测针刺MDD患者GV20后引发的相应脑功能区的变化,为探索针刺治疗MDD的中枢机制提供了一种新的影像学方法。 Objective To investigate the changes of brain activities of first-episode, drug-naive patients with major de- pressive disorder (MDD) after electro-acupuncture stimulation (EAS) at Baihui (GV20) with regional homogeneity (Re- Ho) and fMRI. Methods The non-repeated event-related (NRER) paradigm was used. Sixteen first-episode, drug-naive patients with MDD participated in resting-state fMRI scanning after EAS at GV20 and the sham acupoint. The changes of ReHo in the whole brain based on the EAS effects were observed. Results Compared to the sham acupoint, increased Re- Ho regions mainly included the left ventral medial prefrontal cortex, left insula, left anterior cingulate cortex, right thalamus, right superior temporal gyrus, bilateral precuneus, bilateral posterior lobe and right anterior lobe of cerebellum. Conclusion Based on fMRI, ReHo can detect the special neural activities after EAS at GV20 of MDD, which provide a new neuroimaging method for studying the neural mechanisms of EAS treating the patients with MDD.
出处 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期683-687,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
基金 广西自然科学基金项目(2011GXNSFA018176) 广西教育厅基金项目(200911LX200)
关键词 磁共振成像 局部一致性 针灸 百会 重性抑郁症 Magnetic resonance imaging Regional homogeneity Acupuncture Baihui Depressive disorder, major
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