在我国高寒山区以及长江湿冷地区的人们,冬天有使用实木电火箱取暖器取暖的习惯。传统的实木电火箱取暖器存在温度可控性差、易引发火灾、耗能高、体积庞大的缺点。为解决上述问题,文中利用Solid Works设计了一款温度可控、功率可调且可拼装组合的新型实木电火箱取暖器。该取暖器利用温度传感器和恒温控制电路对温度进行监控调节,以达到安全节能的目的。利用机械结构实现取暖器的拼装组合以满足不同用户的需求。
People who lives in cold highland areas and damp areas along the Yangtze river in China, has a habit of using wooden electric firebox heaters in winter. Traditional wooden firebox electric heaters do exist the problems of temperature controllability, potential fire hazards, high energy consumption and bulky size. To solve those problems, this paper designs a newly practical electric heater based on Solid Works, which can facilitate to control temperature and adjust power, besides,its parts can be easily assembled. Temperature sensor and thermostatic controlling circuit are availed to monitor the system so as to achieve the purpose of security and energy conservation. Using the mechanical structure can be convenient to combine its parts and satisfy the needs of different users.
Mechanical Engineer