
低钾血症病人413例病因分析 被引量:12

摘要 目的探讨低钾血症的病因构成及临床特点。方法对413例住院治疗的低钾血症病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析,了解低钾血症病因、临床特点。结果低钾血症病因前3位为原发性醛固酮增多症121例(29.3%)、甲状腺毒症99例(24.0%)、库欣综合征59例(14.3%)。Gitelman综合征重度低钾血症比例最高,平均血钾水平最低,差异有显著性(χ2=68.345,F=7.194,P<0.05)。不同病因低钾血症病人就诊主诉不同,以骨骼肌功能障碍最为常见。结论低钾血症可由多种疾病引起,其中最常见病因为原发性醛固酮增多症,Gitelman综合征亦是低钾血症的重要病因。 Objective To explore the etiology and clinical features in patients with hypokalemia. Methods Clinical da- ta of 413 inpatients with hypokalemia treated in our hospital were retrospectively reviewed to understand the causes and incidence of the disease. Results The top three causes of hypokalemia found in this review were primary aldosteronism (121 cases, 29.3%), thyrotoxic hypokalemia (99 cases, 24.0%), and Cushing syndrome (59 cases, 14.3%). Compared with other diseases, Gitelman syndrome had the highest percentage in severe-grade hypokalemia and the lowest average potassium levels (;(2 = 68.345, F ~ 7.194, P(0.05). The chief complaints of patients with hypokalemia due to different factors are various, the mostly seen being dysfunction of skeletal muscle dysfunction. Conclusion Hypokalemia can be caused by many diseases, of which, primary aldosteronism being the most commonly seen, and Gitelman syndrome is also an inoortant etiological factor of this disease.
出处 《青岛大学医学院学报》 CAS 2015年第2期196-199,共4页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Qingdao Universitatis
关键词 低钾血症 病因学 醛固酮增多症 GITELMAN综合征 甲状腺毒症 hypokalemia etiology hyperaldosteronism Gitelman syndrome thyrotoxicosis
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