
蓖麻SnRK2基因家族的鉴定和特征分析 被引量:9

Identification and characterization of SnRK2 gene family in castor bean( Ricinus communis)
摘要 SnRK2是一类植物特有的Ser/Thr类蛋白激酶。为研究其在蓖麻抗逆过程中的作用,基于蓖麻的基因组序列信息,利用生物信息学方法鉴定了6个蓖麻SnRK2蛋白激酶成员。分析发现这些蛋白具有亲水性属性,基因结构分析表明,植物SnRK2基因在进化过程中具有很高的保守性;系统与进化分析发现植物SnRK2蛋白在单、双子叶植物中分化显著,可能是独立演化的结果。高通量RNA-seq测序结果显示,大部分SnRK2基因在检测的各个组织中均有表达,且在不同组织间或种子发育的不同阶段没有明显的组织特异性;外源ABA处理种子后,Group 2的基因表达显著上调。进一步利用半定量RT-PCR技术检测外源(100μmol/L)ABA、(250mmol/L)Na Cl和(4℃)冷胁迫处理的幼苗,发现Group 2中的基因29908.m006067被这3种胁迫强烈激活,基因29772.m000313对ABA和冷胁迫有较强的响应。 SnRK2 genes encoding Ser / Thr kinase exist exclusively in plants. To understand SnRK2 function responding to abiotic stresses in castor bean,6 SnRK2 genes were identified and characterized based on complete genome data of castor bean. Results showed that SnRK2 s were hydrophilic proteins and their gene sequences were highly conserved in plants. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that SnRK2 s were significantly differentiated between monocotyledons and dicotyledons, implying their different evolution history. High- throughput RNA- seq data were used to define the expressional profiles of SnRK2 s among tissues and different development stages of seeds. Results showed that most of SnRK2 s expressed in all tested tissues and tissue specific expression was not detected. But expressions of Group 2 genes were significantly up- regulated by stress. Among them,SnRK2 gene29908. m006067 responded specifically to exogenous ABA( 100μmol / L),Na Cl( 250 mmol / L) and cold( 4℃)treatments in seedlings. And gene 29772. m000313 responded specifically to ABA and cold.
出处 《中国油料作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期160-166,共7页 Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences
基金 蓖麻产业技术研究与试验示范(201003057) 云南省农业科学院经济作物研究所青年基金 国家自然科学基金(31401421)
关键词 蓖麻 SnRK2 蛋白激酶 ABA NACL 冷胁迫 Castor bean SnRK2 Protein kinases ABA NaCl Chilling stress
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