
添加固化剂沥青混合料配合比设计研究 被引量:1

Study on mix design of asphalt mixture with curing agent
摘要 通过添加由普通硅酸盐水泥和低温熟料复配而成的固化剂S来替代一般水泥乳化沥青混合料中使用的普通硅酸盐水泥,来设计一种早强快凝的乳化沥青混合料。研究了固化剂S和P·O42.5水泥对混合料强度贡献和固化剂S掺量、水灰比以及沥青用量对混合料性能的影响。研究结果表明,固化剂S对于乳化沥青混合料具有快凝早强的效果,其4 h抗压强度和抗折强度分别为掺P·O42.5水泥混合料的2.0倍和1.6倍。当固化剂S掺量为5%,水灰比为0.5,沥青用量为4.75%时,混合料的综合力学性能和路用性能较好。 A new kind of early strength and fast-setting emulsified asphalt mixture was presented by adding a new curing agent S mixed with ordinary Portland cement and low temperature clinker to replace ordinary Portland cement which is generally used in common cement emulsified asphalt mixture. The effect of the new curing agent S and ordinary Portland cement on the strength of emulsified asphalt mixture was compared. The influence of the amount of curing agent S,water-cemeut ratio and the amount of asphalt on the performance of the mixture was discussed. The results show that the curing agent S has an obvious effect on emulsified asphalt mixture of rapidly solidified and early strength. With the new curing agent S added,the compressive strength and flexural strength of the new mixture after 4 hours were 2.0 times and 1.6 times that of the mixture which added P·O42.5 cement. Mechanical strength and pavement performance were good when the amount of curing agent S was 5%, water-cement ratio was 0.5 and the amount of asphalt was 4.15%.
出处 《新型建筑材料》 北大核心 2015年第5期8-11,共4页 New Building Materials
基金 江苏省交通运输科技项目(2011C01)
关键词 道路工程 水泥乳化沥青混合料 强度 路用性能 road engineering, cement emulsified asphalt mixture,strength,pavement performance
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