
药物流行病学在临床药学研究领域的可视化引文分析 被引量:13

Visualized Citation Analysis on Research Fields of Pharmacoepidemiology in Clinical Pharmacy
摘要 目的:针对药物流行病学在临床药学中的研究领域开展可视化引文分析。方法:借助可视化引文分析工具Hist Cite,以Web of Science核心合集的科学引文索引数据库扩展版为数据源,综合运用文献计量分析、引文分析和可视化技术,分析药物流行病学在临床药学研究文献中的核心期刊和当前研究的热点,并用可视化方法展示临床药学研究的发展历史。结果:得到了Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety等10种药物流行病学在临床药学领域的核心期刊,确定了药物流行病学研究的热门研究主题,并用引文编年图直观地展示药物流行病学在临床药学研究领域的发展历史和阶段。结论:药物流行病学在临床药学研究领域发展迅速,Hist Cite能够快速、直观地展现药物流行病学在临床药学研究领域的发展轨迹。 Objective: o analyze the visualized citation on the research fields of clinical pharmacy. Methods: he soft Hist Cite as the visualized citation analysis tool was used,data from the Science Citation Index-Expanded in Web of Science Core Collections was got. Bibliometric analysis,citation analysis and visualization technology were used to investigate the core journals,current research hotspots,and depicted the history of clinical pharmacy research. Results: Ten core journals of pahrmacoepidemiology in clinical pharmacy were got,including Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. The current research hotspots of pahrmacoepidemiology were showed. The history and development stage of pahrmacoepidemiology in clinical pharmacy were depicted visually. Conclusion: Over the past decade,clinical pharmacy research increased rapidly. The software Hist Cite make it easier for individuals to perform bibliometric analysis and visualization tasks in the field of clinical pharmacy.
出处 《药物流行病学杂志》 CAS 2015年第5期302-305,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology
基金 沈阳药科大学2014年本科教学改革研究项目(编号:2014-2-4-1437)
关键词 药物流行病学 临床药学 文献计量分析 引文分析 可视化 Hist Cite Pharmacoepidemiology Clinical Fharmacy Bibliometric Analysis Citation Analysis Visualization HistCite
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